Serving western North Carolina & upstate South Carolina
creating compelling images for you and your brand
Interested in a complimentary student photo session?
Yes! For real, totally free with 5 fully edited images as a thank you for your time.
Any current high schooler. I'm looking for 3 females and 3 males preferably.
This is what photographers term a "model call" but you don't have to be a model! I'm looking for a diverse group of local high schoolers.
Model calls are done for free to allow photographers like me to try different techniques. Because this is free, I will choose the location and style. However, it doesn't mean you can bring your unique self to the photo session.
We will chat more about you and possibilities during a planning session.
A parent or guardian must be present during the photo shoot. This is for the student's safety.
A model release for the use of the student's image to use in my online portfolio must be signed by the student if over 18, or the parent/guardian if under.